counter easy hit

Monday, November 20, 2006

La china mandarina.

Today was the perfect day to do laundry. I got out of work early, so I decided to walk home instead of taking the bus because the weather was perfect and I had my iPod. I noticed that it was a little windy and thought, "Hey, I think this is perfect laundry weather." So, I went with my gut--after I filled it up with some salad and cardboard frozen pizza, of course--and did my laundry. It's the first time my clothes have dried by sunset! All other times I've needed to leave them hanging overnight, sometimes even into the next day (or leave them hanging for three to four days that one time when it wouldn't stop raining and I had to buy a tendedero plegable so I could dry them on the terrace). What a great day.

I also forgot to mention two new food discoveries that I've been enjoying very much. Both were introduced to me by Lily, with whom I've been hanging out a lot recently. We work at the same school and live two blocks from each other, so it's a bit unavoidable. She's really crazy, which makes it fun. We were watching this program about meteors and craters, and I can tell her things like, "I wish I could punch your face and create a crater as big as that one," while I make a fist and stare her down, and she'll laugh, not miss a beat, and tell me to shut up and go make her lunch. Anyway, she was digging around my cabinets looking for food and she decided to eat some of my Nutella. Not wanting to dirty a spoon, she grabbed my bag of pretzels and started dipping away. Mmm! You'd better run out right now and buy yourself some Nutella and some pretzels and dip until your cold little heart begins to beat again. I swear. Second-of-ly: mandarines in your salad. I went over to her house for lunch one day, and she made this huge salad (which was great, by the way, and I've been trying to re-create it ever since to no avail). She included a couple of mandarines, and boy, when you get a big bite of salad that includes some mandarine, you'll go insane. Really, you will. Try it, you big pig!

Great, now I'm hungry.


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