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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Taking a Bath

It can get pretty frustrating teaching English to teenagers who really have no interest in learning.  I've grown to really dislike going in to class with the kids in 3º.  They're about 14 or 15 years old, and damn, they never shut up.  I really shouldn't even be going into class with them since I am here to help out in the bilingual classes, but for some reason I got scheduled with a non-bilingual class.  I think it's because the English teacher I go in with wanted to be lazy and have me do a lot of the work in class.  Yes, she plans out the lessons and knows what should be covered every day, but as soon as we get to class, she tells me, "We're going to do so-and-so today.  Here you go."  And then she does her own thing.  Fuck.  I usually don't mind too much because even if she's just at her desk, she can get the kids to shut up.  Today, though, oh man.  She handed me the work to be done, and then she just walks out of class.  She didn't even tell me what she was doing!  I was like, "Um, okay, let's look at exercise 1...."  Fuck that, yo.  If the kids were any other age, I wouldn't mind.  I know how to control the classroom by myself with the younger students because they get scared easily.  I am also capable with the older students because they're too self-conscious to talk so there aren't behavior problems.  The 14- and 15-year-olds, though, can be a pain in the ass.  And today I left the class in a really bad mood because they just wouldn't shut up.  No matter what I say, they won't shut up unless the teacher is in the classroom.  They've realized I don't really have disciplinary power, so they don't care.  Eh, it was only 55 minutes anyway, so I shouldn't be complaining.  I guess I just needed to vent.

Anyway, I'm going to England today!  My flight leaves at 9:30pm or so, and I fly into Bristol and then head to Bath.  It'll be my first time in England, and I'm excited about it.  I'm not excited about the hit my bank account is going to take, though =/.  The pound is so strong compared to the dollar and the euro.  I'm going to be even poorer by the time I get back on Sunday.  Here's to buying our liquor at the duty-free shop at the airport instead of paying ridiculous English prices!


Blogger Rosie the cheekybear said...

Have fun in England and enjoy your bath !

oh should tell the students or one maybe just one and say, "I know the truth about you." And then say nothing more.

That would completely freak them out and they'd wonder what you were talking about. or ask for power to being able send to office?

Damn, 14 and 15 year olds are difficult. good luck.

12/08/2007 8:58 AM  
Blogger anonymous said...

Rosie! haha, you don't know how much I love that idea. I will try it out soon.

12/09/2007 4:29 PM  

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