
I took this picture on the way to Granada. I was going on a field trip with some students, and someone pointed out the clouds to me. Crazy.
The job I have is awesome. So, I got a call from someone at the University of Texas inviting me to visit the campus. They offered to pay for most of my plane ticket, so I really couldn't say no. Anyway, I was a bit nervous to ask my boss if it'd be OK for me to take a few days/a week off. He was really cool about it, though. "Claro, cuántos días necesitas? Una semana?" Um, sure! So, I'm going to be in Austin from April 5th to April 11th. Will you? Lemme know.
Even though I love riding my bike to work, it can have some pretty frustrating drawbacks. Last week I rode it to run some errands around the city (oh yeah, I finally got my resident card, the tarjeta de estudiante; yeah, a student, right...), and when I was the furthest away from home, I realized I had a flat tire. I don't know how I got it, but I had to walk my bike home from the police station. At least Thi was there and she offered to walk with me. She knows what's up. Anyway, that night, I fixed the flat. I had a bit of trouble changing the inner tube, heh, but in the end, I was pretty confident I had done it correctly. Crudely but correctly. As I rode to work the next day, though, I noticed that it was flat again. FAIL. So, I had to walk home from El Palo that day after work. Technically, I've now walked most of the length of Málaga: from El Palo to the police station! Oh, and to make sure I was doing it right, I had looked up "how to change a bicycle tire" on Google and noticed that I had done some things wrong. I decided to give it another try, then. And it seems to have taken this time around. I rode it to work and back today and yesterday. Win!
I can't believe I only have a few more months left in Málaga. I don't like thinking about it. The idea of living in Austin makes me very excited, but leaving Málaga doesn't =/. I still don't have a plane ticket home, but oh my God, the prices are ridiculous. I haven't found anything less than one thousand fucking dollars! Pfft. Anyway, what I'm saying is give me one thousand dollars, plz. THX!