counter easy hit

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I've just spent more time in an airport in one week than anyone ever should. srsly. My flight to Austin was last Saturday, and the second leg of the trip was delayed three hours. Which meant I had to be given a different flight to Austin. Anyway, it sucked, but Austin was great. The department went way out of their way for me. I sat in on two classes, got tours of different centers and libraries, met with professors and students. I visited the school for three days, and then I had time off until Friday. My parents came up for two nights, so I hung out with them for a couple of days. It's always fun to go out to eat with them because they'll pay the bill, haha. I love it. At the end of the trip, I signed the acceptance letter and mailed it. Here I come, atx.


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