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Thursday, December 20, 2007

The perks

Today the director at my school invited Thi and I (the two poor and hungry auxiliares) to the Christmas luncheon for the teachers.  A thirty-five-euro meal for free?  Yes!  It was great.  It was a total Spanish lunch, too.  We had about three or four different types of fried fish at first.  This was to prep you for your main, second dish.  For me, that was the fish.  More fish!  (We had a choice between carne o pescado.  I chose pescado since we were going to a place on the beach.)  Then, dessert and coffee.  Then, the champagne.  Damn, y'all, you done did it.

And just before we went to the luncheon, the director decided to give me a bottle of wine just because.  He bought two cases of wine from another teacher whose family bottles wine or something like that, and he asked me to help him carry them to his car.  I did, and then he opened a case and gave me a bottle.  Yes!

My two roommates have left to the U.S. for part of Christmas break.  I'm going to be home alone for a little over a week before I go to Berlin for New Year's Eve.  Kind of scary, kind of cool.  Hit me up since I'll probably be having cabin fever.


Blogger berabera said...

there's a duck on tolox

12/21/2007 6:40 AM  
Blogger anonymous said...

i can't wait to fuck the duck in tolox!

12/21/2007 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is the coolest thing ever! The bottle of wine...that is. You know how special it is to get wine from an actual family that bottles it...and from SPAIN??!!!! God, Arturo, you are so lucky. Well I hope Christmas is going well. And I know you need to call me but i'll get back to you on that soon.

12/25/2007 8:36 PM  

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