counter easy hit

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I've come across two phrases that I didn't think translated to Spanish, but apparently I was wrong. I think they are becoming my favorite things to say. If only there were more occasions to use them.

Anyway, say someone owes you like a dollar or something. If you don't want them to pay you back, you could say, "No, it's cool." In Spanish: "Es güay." Güay pretty much translates to cool. My roommate Macu told me that when I asked her how much I owed her for something. I learned another one from my other roommate, Jose. I forget what we were talking about--oh wait, we were talking about his new cell phone. He was telling me that he got it for free, and I said something like, "What more could you ask for?" because it looked like a nice phone. He said the Spanish version of "I'm sayin'." "Digo." He even said it in the same tone I use whenever I say, "I'm sayin'"!

Okay, I'm even boring myself now so I'll stop.


Blogger Unknown said...

"Okay, I'm even boring myself now so I'll stop."
Yes please stop! you're so boring with your spain talk!

Btw, i saw your parents at church today (they say hi) and did you get the card?

11/26/2006 10:31 AM  
Blogger anonymous said...

aw, was it at Guadalupe? Those crazy lovebirds. I've yet to receive the card, but I don't know if I checked the mailbox this weekend. Let me go do that now.

11/26/2006 12:15 PM  

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